Wednesday, September 17

Indonesian Spices use in cooking

Daun kemangi (Basil Lemon)
A fragrant, lemon-scented herb added at the last minute to keep its flavor, or used as a garnish. Although the flavor will be different, you can use another type of basil.

Serai (Lemongrass)
Grass looks, long leaves as a wild grass, lemon fragrance used for great scent food. Lemongrass oil is astringent that made by distillated it.

Kemiri (Candlenut)
A round, cream-colored nut with an oily consistency used to add texture and a faint flavor to many dishes. Substitute macadamia nuts or raw cashews.

Kapulaga (Cardamom)
About 8-12 intensely fragrant black seeds are enclosed in straw colored, fibrous pod. Try to buy the whole pod instead of cardamom seeds or powder for maximum flavor, and bruise lightly with the back cleaver to break the pod before adding to seasonings.

Belimbing Wuluh (Sour Carambole)
Used for gave fresh taste, Belimbing Wuluh can substitute by Grapefruit juice/Grapefruits aft

Pekak (Star Anise)
It is widely used in Chinese cuisine, in Indian cuisine where it is a major component of blend ground spices, and in Indonesian cuisine. It is widely grown for commercial use in China, India, and most other countries in Asia. Star anise is an ingredient of the traditional five-spice powder of Chinese cooking.

Seledri (Celery)
The celery used in Indonesia is somewhat different form the celery used in the Western world. It has a very slender stems and particularly pungent leaves. It is often referred to as "Chinese celery" abroad and is used as a herb rather than a vegetable.

Cabai, cabe or lombok (Chilies)
There are several types of chili pepper used in Indonesia. One thing that is important about chili pepper, the amount of heat increases as the size of the chili pepper diminishes. Green chilies are the unripe fruit, and have a flovor different from red chilies. Fresh, finger-length red chilies are the most commonly used. Dried chilies also used in some dishes and they should be torn into pieces and soaked in hot water to soften before grinding or blending. Hottest of all chilies are the tiny fiery bird's-eye chilies (cabe rawit). To reduce the heat of the dish while retaining the flavor, remove some or all the chili's seeds.

Kayu manis (Cinnamon)
A thick, dark brown bark of a type of cassia. Do not substitute with ground cinnamon if you can.

Cengkeh (Cloves)
A small, brown, nail-shaped spice. Whole cloves are frequently used to flavor cooking liquids for simmering fish, poultry or meat.

Kelapa (Coconut)
The grated flesh of the coconut is frequently added to food. It can also be squeezed in water to make coconut milk. To make fresh coconut milk, put 2 cups of freshly grated ripe coconut into a bowl and add 2 cups of lukewarm water. Squeeze and knead the coconut thoroughly for 1 minute, then strain through cheesecloth into a bowl to obtain thick coconut milk. Repeat the process with another 1 cup of water to obtain thin coconut milk. Combine both for the coconut milk. Coconut milk can be frozen; thaw and stir thoroughly before use. The best substitute for fresh coconut milk is instant coconut powder. Combine this with warm water as directed on the packet. For richer, creamier flavor required for dessert and cakes, use canned (unsweetened) coconut cream.

Ketumbar (Coriander Seeds)
Small straw-colored seeds with a faintly orange flavor. Whole seeds are usually lightly crushed before use.

Jintan (Cumin): use sparingly as it has a strong smell.

Daun mangkok (Cup Leaves)
The shape of the leaf is like a cup. It's also known as tapak leman (Nothopanax scutellarium) and it usually used to cook stew dishes. A good substitute is curly kale.

Daun bawang (Green Onion/ Spring Onion/Chinese Shallots)
A fragrant, shallots-scented herb added at the last minute to keep its flavor, or used as a garnish. Usually cut into ½ cm rounded.

Bawang putih (Garlic)
The cloves of garlic in the Western countries are considerably larger. Adjust the amount to suit your taste.

Jahe (Ginger)
This pale creamy yellow root is a very important ingredient for Indonesian cooking. Always scrape the skin off fresh ginger before using, and never substitute powdered ginger as the taste is quite different. Ginger can be stored in a cool place for several weeks.

Kencur (Lesser galangal/Kaempferia galanga L.)
This ginger-like root has a unique, camphor flavor and should be used sparingly. Wash it and scrape off the skin before using. Dried sliced kencur or kencur powder can be used as a substitute. Soak dried slices in boiling water for approximately 30 minutes; use ½-1 tsp. of powder for 1-inch fresh root.

Laos/ Lengkuas (Grated galangal)
This is a member of the ginger family and it has a very tough but elusively scented root that must be peeled before use. Substitute slices of dried laos
(Soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes) or powdered laos (1 tsp = 1 inch).
Lemongrass (serai): This is an intensely fragrant herb that is used for soup, seafood and meat dishes and spice pastes to produce lemony flavor. Cut off the roots and peel off the hard outer leaves, use only the tender bottom portion (6-8 inches).

Jeruk Limau/ Jeruk Purut/ Jeruk Nipis (Lime/ Kaffir Lime/ Lemon)
There are several types of lime used in Indonesia. The most fragrant one is called kaffir lime (jeruk purut). Kaffir lime has virtually no juice, but the double leaf is often used whole or very finely shredded, while the grated skin is occasionally used in cooking. The picture on the right shows Kaffir lime. The round yellow-skinned limes which size is slightly larger than a golf ball (jeruk nipis) and small, dark green limes (jeruk limau) are used for their juice. If limes are not available in your area, you can substitute it with lemon.

Daun Jeruk Purut (Kaffir Lime Leaves)
Kafir Lime leaves are used to season and to improve the aroma of Asian cooking, such as curry, soup, sambal (spicy sauce), and salad dressing. Known to contain active medicinal ingredients, the leaves have also been used as traditional medicine. No other leaves can substitute the fragrance and flavor of Kafir Lime leaves.

Pala (Nutmeg)
Always grate whole nutmeg just before using as the powdered spice quickly loses its fragrance.

Gula Jawa/Java Sugar (Palm Sugar)
Juice extracted from the coconut flower or aren palm is boiled and packed into molds to make sugar with a faint caramel taste. If palm sugar is not available, substitute with soft brown sugar. To make palm sugar syrup, combine 2 cups of chopped palm sugar with 1 cup of water and 2 pandan leaves. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes, strain and store in refrigerator.

Daun pandan (Pandanus Leaf)
The fragrant leaf of a type of pandanus sometimes known as fragrant screwpine, this is tied in a knot and used to flavor dessert and cakes.

Kacang tanah (Peanuts)
Used raw and ground to make sauce, or deep fried and used as a garnish or condiment.

Lada/ Merica (Pepper)
Both black and white peppercorns are crushed just before uses ground white pepper is also used on occasion.

Daun salam (Indonesian Bay Leaf)
A subtly flavored lead of the cassia family, this bears no resemblance whatsoever to the taste of a bay leaf, which is sometimes suggested as a substitute. If you cannot obtain dried salam leaf, omit altogether.

Bawang merah (Shallots)
Widely used in Indonesian cooking, pounded to make spice pastes, sliced and added to food before cooking, and sliced and deep fried to make a garnish.
Shrimp Paste (terasi): This ingredient has a strong fragrance; it is always cooked before eating, generally toasted over a fire before being combined with other ingredients. The color of this ingredient range from purplish pink to brownish black.

Bawang Bombay (Onion)
Called Bawang Bombay because in Indonesia Onion bring by people came from Bombay (now Mumbai) from India to Indonesia

Kapur sirih (Slaked Lime/Lime Stone Paste)
A paste obtained by grinding sea shells in a little liquid. This is the lime which is chewed with betel nuts, gambir and tobacco.

Kecap manis (Sweet Soy Sauce)
There are two types of soy sauce that are used in Indonesian cooking, thick and sweet soy sauce (kecap manis), and the thinner, more salty thin soy sauce (kecap asin). If you cannot obtain sweet soy sauce, use the dark black Chinese soy sauce and add brown sugar to sweeten it.

Asem (Tamarind):
The dark brown pod of the tamarind tree contains a sour fleshy pulp, which adds a fruity sourness to many dishes. Packets of pulp usually contains the seeds and fibers. To make tamarind juice, measure the pulp and soak it in hot water for 5 minutes before squeezing it to extract the juice, discarding the seeds, fiber and any skin.

Kunyit (Turmeric)
An essential root in Indonesian cooking, usually sold in dried or powdered form in the US and Europe. It imparts its yellow color and pungent taste to many dishes. If you can buy fresh turmeric, pick roots that are dark in color.

Keluwak/Keluak/Pucung (Indonesian Black Nut)
To the uninitiated, keluwak is a black nut from Indonesia about the size of a misshapen golf ball. The surface is ridged with a smooth nut 'mouth' across the flattest part. A slit is made in this mouth through which one scrapes out the contents which have been variously described as 'opium' and soft tar'. The taste is indescribable and has to be eaten to be believed. Good nuts, when cooked, should be richly black and oily.

Tuesday, June 23

Mangoes Yogurt Ice Cream

Yogurt Ice Cream Mangga

Saat ini es krim yogurt menjadi sangat terkenal dengan brand "S.S" brand donut "J.C" juga ikut menjualnya, untuk hemat dan sehat bikin sendiri yuk.

2 cangkir mangga (bisa diganti buah lain sesuai selera)

2/3 cangkir gula (bisa ditambah atau dikurangi sesuai selera)

1 cangkir susu, dapat ditambahkan whipped cream

1/4 cangkir sirup

2 cangkir yogurt plain

Blender mangga hingga halus. Buang serat yang tidak hancur. Campurkan gula dan susu, aduk hingga rata. Campurkan mangga dan sirup. Tambahkan campuran mangga dengan yogurt, aduk rata. Dinginkan hingga 8 jam. Masukan campuran tersebut ke dalam mesin pembuat es krim. Bekukan sesuai dengan petunjuk penggunaan mesin. Es krim yogurt siap dinikmati.

Mangoes Yogurt Ice Cream

Actually this is not ordinary Indonesian food, but nowadays yogurt ice cream become a trend and very famous. So let make by our self.

2 cups Mangoes (You can make this recipe for ice cream with just one or with several different kind of fruits)

2/3 cup sugar

1 cup milk, also can be add whipped cream

1/4 cup syrup

2 cup plain yogurt

Friday, December 26

Nasi Goreng - Fried Rice

Actually this is not a recipe but a song from Nederland that explain about famous Indonesian Food and how delicious it, this song easy listening and fun, you could listen below, let sing:

Wieteke van Dort - "Geef mij maar nasi goreng"

Toen wij repatrieerden uit de gordel van smaragd
Dat Nederland zo koud was hadden wij toch nooit gedacht
Maar 't ergste was 't eten. Nog erger dan op reis
Aardapp'len, vlees en groenten en suiker op de rijst

Geef mij maar nasi goreng met een gebakken ei
Wat sambal en wat kroepoek en een goed glas bier erbij
Geef mij maar nasi goreng met een gebakken ei
Wat sambal en wat kroepoek en een goed glas bier erbij

Wednesday, November 19

Opor Ayam Kering (Milk Coconut Chicken Dried)

by: Odilia Winneke

4 sdm minyak sayur
1 lembar daun salam
2 lembar daun jeruk purut
1 batang serai, ambil bagian yang putih, memarkan
1 ekor ayam (900 g), potong 4 bagian
750 ml santan encer

8 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
5 butir kemiri
2 cm kunyit
1 cm lengkuas
1 cm jahe
1 sdm ketumbar
½ sdt merica butiran
1/8 sdt jintan
1 sdt gula pasir
2 mata asam Jawa

Cara membuat:
• Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
• Masukkan daun salam, serai dan daun jeruk. Aduk hingga layu.
• Masukkan potongan ayam,aduk hingga kaku.
• Tuangi santan encer, masak dengan api kecil hingga ayam lunak dan kuah berminyak.
• Tuangi santan kental. Masak kembali hingga kuah kental.
• Angkat. Sajikan.

Untuk 6 orang

4 Tsp cooking oil
1 Indonesian Bay Leaf
2 Kaffir Lime Leaves
1 stalk Lemongrass, get the white parts, bruised
1 whole chicken (900 g), cut 4 pieces
750 ml coconut milk

Monday, November 3

Sup Iga Sapi (Beef Ribs Soup)

500 gr daging iga sapi
1,5 L air utk merebus
2 siung bawang putih, memarkan
3 buah pekak (star anise)
2 butir cengkeh
2 cm kayu manis
1 butir bawang Bombay, iris tipis
2 batang wortel, bersihkan kulitnya, iris tipis serong
2 batang daun bawang, iris serong agak tebal
1 batang seledri
½ sdt pala bubuk
1 sdt merica
Garam dan gula pasir sesuai selera
1 sdm margarine utk menumis

Bawang goreng
Sambel dan emping
Daun bawang

Tuesday, October 14

Kue Kering Kelapa (Coconut Cookies)

400 gr gula halus
800 gr mentega
2 btr telur ukuran sedang
2 sdt vanili
1 Kg tepung terigu kualitas bagus (diayak)
50 gr kelapa parut kering

Monday, September 29

Ayam Goreng Bumbu ( Spicy Fried Chicken)

1 ekor ayam ras
5 cm jahe, cincang
3 siung bawang putih, cincang
3 sdm madu
1 sdm angciu
1 sdm lada hitam, tumbuk kasar
1 sdt garam
600 ml air


2 sdm minyak goreng
100 gr bawang bombai, cincang halus
100 ml air
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
1 sdt tepung maizena
2 sdm air

Cara membuat:
1. Masukkan ayam dalam wajan bersama jahe, bawang putih, madu, angciu, lada hitam, dan garam. Tambahkan air, aduk rata, masak sampai ayam matang dan kuah mengental. Angkat dan tiriskan, sisihkan kaldunya.
2. Goreng ayam sampai kecokelatan, angkat dan tiriskan. Potong-potong ayam menjadi 8 bagian, sajikan dengan saus.
3. Saus: Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang bombai hingga harum, tuang kaldu ayam, tambahkan 100 ml air panas, masak sampai mendidih. Tambahkan air jeruk nipis dan maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air. Masak hingga mendidih dan mengental.

Untuk 8 potong

1 whole chicken
5 cm ginger, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
3 Tsp honey
1 Tsp rice wine/ white wine
1 Tsp black pepper, refined
1 tsp salt
600 ml water

Friday, September 26

Tips memilih, menyimpan dan memasak udang (Tips for selection, storage and cook shrimp)

Apakah urat udang perlu dibuang?
Pertanyaan ini sebenarnya hanya dari segi estetika. Untuk udang besar, mudah untuk membersihkannya dengan mengiris punggungnya dan keluarkan uratnya dengan pisau. Sebagian besar masakan tidak soal untuk membuang urat pada udang sedang dan kecil, kecuali terlihat kotor, meskipun terkadang terasa berpasir bila tidak dibuang. Anda dapat melihat uratnya diantara kulit dan dagingnya, jadi gunakan penilaian anda untuk membuang atau tidak. Kecuali anda sabar dan telaten, juga untuk udang kecil. Hal ini cukup memakan waktu anda. Ketika kita bicara estetika, biarkan ekor udang pada masakan anda terlihat. Dalam resep yang menggunakan banyak saus boleh dibuang ekornya dari pada anda memberikan kejutan tamu dengan menggigit sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan. Sebagian orang suka dengan ekor udang yang digoreng dan renyah.

Memilih Udang

Ukuran dan jenis udang sangat bervariasi. Meskipun ada lebih dari 300 jenis udang, yang paling populer di Indonesia adalah udang Windu (Tiger Shrimp), udang Pancet, udang Jerbung, udang Galah, udang Peci. Udang bisa dibedakan dari warna kulitnya, seperti udang Windu yang loreng seperti macan. Warna ini kelihatan sebelum udang dimasak, saat dimasak warna udang berubah menjadi merah muda hingga merah oranye karena perubahan kimiawi akibat pemanasan. Udang biasanya dikategorikan dari ukurannya dan dihitung, seperti mau yang beberapa ekor sekilo. Lebih banyak jumlahnya pasti lebih kecil ukurannya. Tentukan berapa banyak yang akan dibeli berdasarkan ukurannya, bila cukup besar cukup dua atau 3 ekor per orang.

Ukuran udang
Udang per kilo:
• 10 udang atau kurang = Super
• 11 to 15 = Jumbo
• 16 to 20 = Besar
• 21 to 30 = Sedang
• 31 to 35 = Kecil

Udang sangat mudah mati. Udang segar sebaiknya dikonsumsi dalam 24 jam satelah dibeli. Pilih udang yang utuh dengan bau yang tidak menyengat. Apabila ada bau menyengat, itu tandanya udang sudah lama. Beberapa ada noda, salah satu indikasi penanganan yang buruk. Untuk udang yang beku daging akan tampak buram. Udang yang segar akan terlihat dagingnya hampir transparan.

Penyimpanan udang
Udang yang telah dimasak dapat disimpan pada plastik yang tertutup rapat diletakan di bagian yang paling dingin di kulkas anda. Baik yang sudah dimasak dan yang masih mentah dapat dibekukan, tetapi udang yang masih mentah akan lebih enak rasanya. Udang mentah dapat dibekukan dengan kulit atau dikupas, tetapi kepalanya harus dibuang. Udang mentah beku dapat disimpan selama enam bulan di freezer dan udang matang haus dimakan dalam waktu dua bulan. Udang beku yang dijual akan lebih awet disimpan dalam freezer tanpa rusak, karena udang tersebut dibekukan secara cepat saat masih segar tanpa banyak proses.
Baik udang beku matang atau mentah pada saat akan dicairkan paling baik ditaruh dalam kulkas saat dibutuhkan. Udang beku dapat langsung dimasukan ke masakan berkuah atau yang dipanggang. Bila anda ingin mencairkan secara cepat masukan ke dalam air dingin, jangan hangat. Air hangat akan menyebabkan udang jadi mulai matang. Udang juga tersedia yang kering, ebi yang berukuran agak besar dan rebon dari anak udang, tetapi harus dicuci dahulu agar lebih higienis.

Tips dan petunjuk memasak udang

Penting untuk tidak memasak udang terlalu lama atau udang akan berubah menjadi kering dan alot. Masak hingga daging berubah menjadi buram, tidak transparan lagi. Saat merebus, udang akan menjadi merah muda, muncul ke permukaan dan mengambang saat matang. Beberapa resep sekaligus mematangkan udang tersebut dalam prosesnya. Resep lainnya mengharuskan kita memasaknya terlebih dahulu, biasanya cukup direbus dan ditambahkan bumbu.
• Anda dapat membuat kaldu udang yang enak dengan merebus kulit udang dengan bumbu bawang merah, bawang putih dan bisa ditambahkan seledri dan wortel. Dinginkan dan saring bila menginginkan rasa yang lebih kuat, bekukan untuk membuat sup atau krim sup.
• Memakai bir sebagai pengganti air pada masakan udang anda akan memberikan tambahan rasa manis.
• Bila udang yang baru anda beli sedikit berbau, ini mungkin masih bisa dimakan. Anda dapat menghilangkan baunya dengan melumuri dengan baking soda atau air jeruk dan biarkan sekitar 10 menit dikulkas, lalu cuci hingga bersih. Jangan lakukan ini bila udang telah berbau menyengat, ini berarti anda harus membuangnya.
• Lebih mudah mengupas dan membersihkan udang mentah dari pada yang sudah matang.
• Udang yang dimasak bersama dengan kulitnya akan lebih enak rasanya dari pada udang yang sudah dikupas sebelumnya.
• Untuk berat udang mentah akan berkurang setengahnya apabila dimasak dalam keadaan tanpa kulit.

Ingatlah, anda dapat menggantikan hewan bercangkang lainnya seperti kepiting, lobster, rajungan dan lainnya dengan udang, yang digunakan dalam resep masakan dengan udang, dengan rasa yang setara, silahkan coba kreasi anda. Semoga bermanfaat!

Shrimp is not only very nutritious, it is the most popular shellfish in the United States. Luckily, it is available year-round. It is a popular ingredient in appetizers, salads, chowders, and, of course, as a main dish. Learn how to choose shrimp, pick up some cooking tips and try some new shrimp recipes.

Shrimp history

The word shrimp comes from the Middle English shrimpe, meaning "pygmy" or the crustacean itself. In the 7th century, shrimp and other seafood composed the majority of the Chinese diet, and still does today. In 1280, Marco Polo commented on the abundance of seafood in Chinese marketplaces, including shrimp. Harvesting of shrimp dates back to the 17th century, where Louisiana bayou residents used seines up to 2,000 feet in circumference to scoop up the delicacy. Mechanized shrimping didn't come about until after 1917. Today, the US harvests over 650 million pounds a year, more than any other country. And still this is not enough to fill the need. The US imports yet another 200 million pounds a year.

Should shrimp be deveined?
This is pretty much a question of aesthetics. With large shrimp, it's fairly easy to devein them by slitting along the back and lifting out the vein with a knife. Most cooks won't bother deveining medium-sized or smaller shrimp, unless they look particularly dirty, although one will occasionally taste a tad gritty when left intact. You can see the vein through the shell and meat, so use your own judgement. Unless you are particularly patient and fussy, don't even bother with small shrimp. It could take literally hours. Some suppliers are now offering deveined shrimp, done without splitting the flesh or even removing the shell. And while we're talking of aesthetics, you can leave the tail on in dishes where it's obvious. In recipes where a heavy sauce may disguise the tail, you should remove it rather than surprise a guest with an unexpected crunchy bite. Some people actually enjoy eating the tail when it is deep-fried and crunchy.

Shrimp selection
Shrimp come in a variety of sizes and types. Although there are more than 300 varieties of shrimp, the most popular types are the brown, pink, and white shrimp from the Atlantic ocean. These common names refer to the general color of the shrimp before cooking. Tiger shrimp is also popular, so named for its dark stripes. Yet, when these shrimp are cooked, the color turns from pink to bright orange-red due to a chemical change brought on by heat. Shrimp are normally graded by size and count, meaning the average number of shrimp to make a pound weight. The higher the number, the smaller the shrimp. In some areas, jumbo shrimp are referred to as prawns, but the prawn is actually a completely different species in the lobster family. Determining how much to buy will depend on the size, but generally count on 1/3 to 1/2 pound (shelled) per person. As a rule, the colder the water, the smaller and more succulent the shrimp.

Shrimp sizes
Shrimp per pound:
• 10 shrimp or less = Colossal
• 11 to 15 = Jumbo
• 16 to 20 = Extra-large
• 21 to 30 = Large
• 31 to 35 = Medium
• 36 to 45 = Small
• about 100 = Miniature

Shrimp is highly perishable. Fresh shrimp should ideally be eaten within 24 hours of purchase. Select firm shrimp with a mild scent. If there is any hint of the aroma of ammonia, it's a sign the shrimp is way past its prime. Some may have spots, an indication of poor handling. Many grocers sell shrimp that is defrosted, in which case the flesh will appear opaque. Truly fresh shrimp will have almost translucent flesh.

Shrimp storage
Cooked shrimp can be stored in a sealed bag no more than three days in the coldest part of your refrigerator. Both cooked and raw shrimp may be frozen, but freezing raw preserves a better flavor. Raw shrimp can be frozen with shell or without, but should have the heads removed. Raw frozen shrimp will last six months in the freezer while frozen cooked shrimp should be consumed within two months. Commercially-frozen raw shrimp will last longer in the freezer without deterioration, since they are flash-frozen fresh with little handling.

Frozen cooked and uncooked shrimp should ideally be thawed in the refrigerator in advance of need. They can be added frozen to casseroles and baked dishes. If you need to quickly thaw, you may put the shrimp under cold water, not warm. Warm will begin the cooking process. Shrimp is also available canned. Canned baby shrimp are a nice addition as a salad garnish, but should be rinsed thoroughly before using and may require a bit of picking over depending on the grade.

Shrimp cooking tips and hints
It's important not to overcook shrimp or it will become dry and rubbery. Cook only until the flesh is opaque. When using a boiling method, the shrimp will turn pink, rise to the top and float when done. Some recipes will cook the shrimp within the recipe itself. Others will require you cook the shrimp ahead, usually via a simple boiling method and perhaps with a spice mixture.
• You can make a wonderful broth by boiling the shells from shrimp with spices, onion, garlic, and perhaps some celery and carrot. Cool and sift through cheesecloth when the desired strength is achieved, and freeze it for later use in soups or chowders.
• Use beer for your cooking liquid for shrimp to give a wonderful, slightly sweet flavor.
• If your shrimp begins to smell a bit off, but are still young from the market, they are probably still okay to eat. You can remove the smell by rubbing the shrimp with baking soda, let them stand in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the soda. Do not use this method if the shrimp has a strong ammonia odor, which is an indication that it's time to toss them.
• It's easier to peel and devein raw shrimp rather than cooked shrimp.
• Shrimp cooked in the shell has more flavor than shrimp peeled before cooking.
• Expect the weight of raw shrimp to reduce by half when cooked. Two pounds raw shrimp will yield 1 pound cooked, peeled shrimp.
Shrimp Recipes
If you can't find a shrimp recipe to your liking in this shrimp recipe collection, then it probably just hasn't been put down in writing yet! Remember, you can substitute other shellfish such as crab, prawns, crayfish, and lobster in most shrimp recipes with equally satisfying results, so feel free to experiment.